Joe Rogan On Joe Biden’s (Mental) Health


Image Credit: Joe Rogan Spotify podcast

Joe Rogan and his guest have a mouthful of words to comment on Biden’s (mental) health, which according to them is deteriorating rapidly. 

Below are some of their back and forth comments:

  • He sh*** his pants (allegedly)
  • He’s clearly got Dementia
  • Listen to him speak. He is a train wreck every time
  • The democrat party is in real trouble with that guy at the helm
  • Biden is in a process of obvious decay
  • He is a fading candle and you f*** idiots are counting on him to illuminate the way
  • Every time he is featured on something, it is a train wreck
  • It is clear, there is no way this guy (Biden) is on the ball in-charge of everything

Poor Joe!

They also seem to take a light jab at the Climate Change summit in that short conversation.

Below is the clip taken from JRE #1730 with guest Cameron Hanes (November 5, 2021).

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