What Is The Christmas Celebration All About?

Image Credit: Pixaybay Images

As the year end approaches, we find homes, malls and streets filled with decoration as the festive season of Christmas is ushered in. 

A walk down malls and popular streets of Singapore is evident of that. 

Image Credit: The Honeycombers

Image Credit: HoneyKids Asia

In all the Festive Decorations, have you noticed what is missing in all of this? Or, to be more precise, WHO is MISSING?

Well, looks like people often ignore the very Person whose birth we are supposed to be celebrating: The birth of Christ.

Ironically, the symbols that are often associated with Christmas like Santa Claus, reindeers, pine trees, snowy environment, snowman, mistletoe, elves etc. have no association or resemblance to the event of His birth.

I can only imagine how upset anyone would be, when they are completely ignored or forgotten while celebrating their birthday!

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